Tuesday, December 1, 2015


What are YOU doing currently?! I'm avoiding my last grad school assignment of the semester...4-5 page paper and I don't even have my name typed on it! Due tomorrow! I guess I've procrastinated enough? Use the hashtag #ohboycurrently from FarleyFarleyFarley! 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Praying for your students

I'm not sure if it is because of all the craziness that is in the world lately, but I have felt such a strong need to pray for my students more the past few days.  I pray for them all the time, especially when they have something going on in their little lives.  I pray for them to always do the best, what is right, for them to understand my teaching, to grow up in Christ's love, and to know and understand His love for them.  But, lately, it has been a totally different pull for prayer.  As the year goes on, I connect more and more with each student, and learn the different ways they need me.  Some need a happy face, some need a stern face.  Some need a mother figure, a nurse, or a therapist.  I wear so many hats each day that I lose count of them.  Don't get me wrong.  I wouldn't change one thing about what I do...except maybe a million dollar raise, am I right????  I am a firm believer that everyone is called to do certain things in life and I know for a fact that teaching is my calling.  I was placed on this world to help give these babies an education and help guide them to be wonderful, productive citizens. With all that being said, I feel my calling more and more lately, too.  My preacher, Bro. Randy Copeland did a series of sermons a few months ago about using your talents that God gave you.  Everyone has certain talents and it is up to you to use them or not.  I believe one of mine is teaching.  (If you want to read the scripture on the Parable of the Talents, click here.)  God wants you to use the talents He gave you.  He praises the men who use their talents and double them.  This is what we are supposed to do with our gifts and talents.

I urge you all to pray for your students.  Pray for them daily.  When it is a full moon, they're acting a little wonky, or driving you crazy, pray for them that much more.  They NEED you to pray for them.  Praying for them is a talent, and it is one that you should practice very often.  These children are such small young babies and they are growing up in a fast changing world.

Side note, I am so thankful and blessed to have such wonderful Christian students and parents this year.  My students bring up The Lord in class discussion and they talk about church, church events, and things they learn there.  And, yes, I teach in a public school!

Here are a few scriptures to help inspire you......

1 Samuel 1:27
Psalm 127:3
Luke 18:16
Matthew 19:13-15
Matthew 25:40
Proverbs 22:6
Joshua 1:9
Mark 10:14-16

Monday, August 31, 2015

#teacherweek 15 Link up with @bloghoppin

I'm trying to attempt my first link and today's topic is 5 Fun Facts!
Here are mine!
1. I didn't get my drivers license until I was 17. (I know. I know. I know.) Actually a few weeks before my senior year, to be exact.  I also took my drivers test and failed because I turned into an oncoming lane.  In my defense, it was POURING down rain.  My sister can vouch for that. :)
2.  I've been to DC 16 times.  My parents used to be tour guides for Danville Middle School (the school I went to) and I always got to go along.  As I got older, my dad stopped going due to some knee issues, and me and my momma kept going.  It became our thing!  We haven't been in two years now though and I miss it!
3.  I'm 29 and my boyfriend is 44.  #truestory.  We've been dating a little over a year and seriously have never felt any kind of age difference.  Solid proof that age is just a number!  I like to think I'm an old soul and he is young at heart.
4.  HA! The only sport I've ever played was ONE year of Upward basketball.  It was when it just started around our area and I sucked.  I got the "most Christlike" star every week.  They had to give us a star and I think it was the nice way of saying "thank you for having a good attitude".  I was seriously awful.  I was in band later though, and LOVED it and was really good at it, so I guess it all worked out.
5.  I'm in grad school.  For the THIRD time.  Third time is the charm, right?! :)  I'm a student at The University of North Alabama.  Throughout my college career, I've been a Warhawk, Black Bear, Tiger, and now a Lion.  Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My! :)

I hope you've learned something about me!  I'm excited to read the posts from everyone else!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Peak Into My Classroom

This summer was the first time I've had all summer to work on my classroom. I had lots of help from my two year old nephew, parents, sister, cousins, and an old co-worker who prayed over my room before the school year started. My sweet daddy built me Snoopy's dog house and it is my favorite thing in my classroom! Everytime I look at it I think of him and what fun we have every year working in my classrooms! I've made a few changes since I took these pictures last August, but I still love walking in my room every day and seeing what a beautiful environment I created for my Seconds to learn, love, and live in. 
PS-out halls have been painted, too. They are now a light gray and navy! We love how clean and new they look!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

April Fools Day

When I taught Kindergarten two years ago I saw this cute little prank to play on my kids. I decided to use it again with my Seconds this year and their reaction was even better than the Kinders two years ago. Y'all know kids will do anything for a snack, so when you tell them you have a special snack for them they literally light up. We have morning PE so when they got back I started passing out the brownies I had made for them. Little did they know my April Fools version of brownies was not like their snack version of brownies! I gave them my "brown Es" and their faces were priceless!! I then have them real brownies after they calmed down! Too cute! This is one I'll pull out next year, too! 😂

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Saint Patrick's Day Fun

Yesterday we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day in Room 204! We all had on something green and one student shared the history of who Saint Patrick was and why he was important! I must say that I was really impressed with his information! I learned a thing or two! 
We also talked about leprechauns, rainbows, pots of gold, and other fun things surrounding the day! 

We wrote in our journals about how to catch a leprechaun...

We completed this writing activity from The Teacher Wife and the kids loved it! She has different versions of it, so we used the one that worked best for us! You can find the link for it here. http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Worth-More-Than-Gold-A-Writing-Craftivity

The kids had to come up with a person who is worth more than gold to them. I love how honest and raw their writings are! :) enjoy! 🍀

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Read Across America Week!

This week was very exciting in Room 204. We thought we would finally be back on a normal schedule, celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday, read lots of books, have guest readers, etc.. Most of those things got to happen up until Thursday when the Ice Storm 2015 hit us and we had to stay home!  For the first three days of the week we had the mayor come and guest read during our morning assembly and another guest reader visit just our class and read a book in French to us. It was very neat to hear a different language and have visitors! During reading center time we completed Dr. Seuss themed activities. We created little Horton's after the students read Horton Hears a Who and wrote how Horton was a good friend. We also read Oh! The Places You'll Go! Both books are my favorite Seuss books and I was so happy to share them with my Seconds! You can find the link to our Horton's below!
Horton's craft is here
Seuss theme journal writing...

Our guest reader...